Pascal's law - Introduction and application


This law tells us how pressure can be transmitted in a fluid. It can be stated in a number of equivalent ways as follows :

  (i) The pressure exerted at any point on an enclosed liquid is transmitted equally in all directions.

  (ii) A change in pressure applied to an enclosed incompressible fluid is transmitted undiminished to  every point of the fluid and the walls of the containing vessel.

 (iii) The pressure in a fluid at rest is same at all points if we ignore gravity.

Applications of Pascal's Law

  • Hydraulic lift. Hydraulic lift is an application of Pascal's law. It is used to lift heavy objects. It is a force multiplier.

  • Hydraulic brakes. The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles are based on Pascal's law of transmission of pressure in a liquid.

     Advantages of hydraulic brakes:

    (i) The master cylinder transmits equal retarding force on each wheel. So a             hydraulic brake operates uniformly and hence prevents skidding.

   (ii) A small force applied to the pedal exerts a much larger force on the wheel          drums. It enables the driver to keep the vehicle under control.

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